2 x prerecorded gentle flow and 1 x restorative yoga classes

2 x prerecorded gentle flow and 1 x restorative yoga classes


When you purchase this item you’ll receive a download with links to three classes to practice in your own time:

  • 2 x 30 minute gentle flows to lift your energy or help you feel more grounded after a stressful day

  • 1 x 60 minute restorative class + yoga nidra to restore your energy levels or pre-empt exhaustion and burnout

The first gentle flow class is an invitation simply to notice how it feels to move and breathe and will release spine and shoulders with a little bit of light strengthening work. The second is a practice to find ease and even pleasure through movement. And the restorative class starts with a balancing breath sequence followed by three rest poses, rounded off with a beautiful yoga nidra to move awareness and a sense of deep relaxation through your body.

You won’t need much specialist equipment, just a yoga mat and perhaps a blanket for the flow classes. For the restorative class you’ll need at least three big cushions/pillows and three blankets.

These classes are accessible, so although they're not designed specifically for postnatal or prenatal women, they are suitable for both these groups. As always, just be mindful of what feels good in your body and skip or edit anything that you're not sure about.

This could be a beautiful gift to yourself or an offering for a friend or loved one who needs a bit of support right now. These are nourishing practices meant to increase awareness and help you feel calmer and more present.

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